Thursday, August 5, 2010

It's Over...and the Results are In...

So my 5-Day Inferno is over. Drumroll. I said, drumroll! Ok, that's better. Gotta feel some love here!

I've lost 4.5 pounds in 5 days!!!!

I did not follow Chalene's meal plan, but I did try to stay within my Weight Watcher's (WW) points, which, by the way, is 23 a day. I worked out as shown in the schedule, and I had a great time! Today I'll do HIIT 15 and Fire 45. Then tomorrow I'll  start my week 1. I'm doing it this way so Sunday is my day of rest, rather than Wednesday.

I need to start meal-planning with my points in mind. I did not do that yesterday, and I ended up using 17 of my beloved 35 optional points. On what? Freakin' spaghetti and ummm.... feeling guilty here... a slice of sara lee cheesecake which was actually not even that good. Kicking self. But that's ok. Just a minor setback.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Here Comes the Bride (up the courthouse steps)

Bet that title got your attention, right? Don't go getting yourself in a tizzy thinking it's time to throw down wedding cake and wondering how many calories will be in it. Sorry to disappoint, but there won't be a wedding. Heck, there hasn't been a proposal. And there may not be. It might just be "hey, let's get married next week." :)

Anyhoo, I went through the thoughts of dresses, flowers, cake, blah blah blah. I'm a girl. That's what we do. I'm not talking about going overboard with expensive, fancy invitations or anything. I was thinking simple but nice. But really... is that necessary? Not like this is the first and only time for marriage for either of us. And it will be special no matter what because it is finally right for us both. And that is as special as anything can get!

I have a plan though. It is to trot up the courthouse steps with my best friend, Joe, and get married. It isn't about papers, guests, color coordinating, or whatever. It's about making that final committment to each other and with our Lord's blessing. Our friends, few that we have, do mean something, and family is very important too, so I'm thinking that maybe a month after the "big day"--whenever that may be-- we could have a reception/party. Again, simple and fun. Just a celebration of life and love.

Sound good? Guess I had better run this by Joe, huh? lol. Just sharing some thoughts with my readers. All 2 of you. :)

Pen, Meet Paper

Reality. The reality is that I MUST write everything down. I've had this incredible week, losing alot of that vacation weight. My new WW week starts today. Starting fresh. BUT if I want to get this off and reach my goal (and I'm so so so close), I need to write everything down. I need to keep saying no to the junk and gunk. Tomorrow is weigh in, and I know I will show a gain from my pre-vacation weigh in, but I've done great. I can do this. I can lose the rest and be in the condition I want to be in!

Pen meets paper, my fingers meet the keyboard to do my online tracking, and my Turbo Fire dvd shall meet the dvd player because I'm not failing. A candy bar is not worth it, a chicken strip is not worth it, a pair of size 10 pants is not worth it. I want better, and I want more. I want health, strength, energy, and pride in myself.

"Don't get tired doing what is good. Don't get discouraged and give up, for we will reap a harvest of blessing at the appropriate time." Galatians 6:9

God is great, He is everything. He is with me everyday. He has plans for me... and those plans are for me to be the best daughter I can be, inside and out. My body is a temple, and I must treat it with respect and honor myself.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Garden of the Gods

Melancholy... this time last week I was preparing to get on Squints, a beautiful horse at the Academy Riding Stables in Colorado Springs. The plan was for Squints, my faithful steed, to carry my fat hide through the beautiful Garden of the Gods. There was a horse mix-up, and I ended up on Sioux. He and I never really bonded, but the journey through the amazing rock formations was still splendid. I wish I were doing it again now... I think I would enjoy it even more!

Never got a pic of me, but I snapped one of Joe on his beloved Cotton (they bonded instantly. gag). I want a horse...

HIIT me, baby!

So yesterday was Day 3 of the Inferno. And I wimped out. I had some sugar and crap in my diet prior to working out, and I truly think it zapped me. I made it through 30 min of the Fire 55, but I knew I needed to suck it up and get more in, so I did the Scuplt 30. I love strength and toning stuff, and I felt much better afterwards. Today is Fire 45 and HIIT 20. Yowzah!!!!!

Oh! And results! I think I mentioned my pre-vacation weight was 149.8. Well, I came back from awesome Colorado Springs weighing 155.5. I was miserable. I weighed in this morning at 150.5. I've been working out like a mad woman and watching what I eat... lots of water, veggies and fruits. My body needed that after the high fat crappola I had given it for a week! I love athletic shoes. But they are so darned expensive! My Asics are wonderful but getting old. I've had em a year and worked em hard, and now they are stretched and loose. I went to Academy and tried on numerous pairs. I settled for some, but I got home and realized they just aren't right. Guess I'm taking them back and forking over more dough for another pair of Asics. *sigh* I'm broke though! But I want to protect my joints, especially doing an intense, physical workout. What to do...

Monday, August 2, 2010

Inferno Infatuation!

So here's the deal: Turbo Fire is incredible! I mean it! I knew it would be kick-butt cool and all, but I'm only on Day 3 of the 5-Day Inferno and seeing results. Most importantly, I'm feeling the power. :) I love power.

I've long been a fan of Chalene Johnson's Turbo Jam. I started jammin' years ago and twisted and kicked off the weight of a child from my rumpus and thighs. I plan to get Chalean Extreme, but Turbo Fire came out, and I just had to have it. So I sold almost all of my other workout dvds (expect my beloved TJ of course), and my Turbo  Fire (TF) came in Friday! I read over everything like I was reading a steamy romance novel. I was already in love.

So I got back from vacation Friday night. Stepped on the scale. Yikes! Gained 6 pounds on vacation (trust me, it's possible. I loved food way more than it loved me on this trip lol). This morning I weighed in at 151.5. Heck yeah! Almost back to my pre-vacation weight of 149.8. That's from my last Weight Watcher's meeting. Tf is intense and ain't a joke! But it feels great, and I'm thrilled to say...

I can bring my all to class. I can crush it. I am a machine. (love Chalene's quotes!)

Check out each of the programs I mentioned at Google it. Go to YouTube and check out some videos on Turbo Fire. You're gonna want to burn too!