I've lost my spark, my energy, my drive. I'm usually a little ball of energy, twisting and turning and making me look like a five year old who just snarfed a jumbo snocone. But not this morning. I've been a preetty foolish eater the past few days, didn't get in my TF yesterday, and this morning it hits me... I have so much to do and only two days to get it in. School is officially back on Monday, so party time (relaxation time) is over! boohooohoooooooooo
Then there is the goodish but kinda badish stuff. (yes, I made those words up). The good is that we may be going this weekend somewhere to enjoy our last 3 day weekend together, Joe and I. The bad is the I'm broke as a joke (and I think that is pretty ridiculously broke), and it is also just another "excuse" to eat like a maniacal fool.
I really want new clothes for school (I'm such a kid), but I also want those clothes to be smaller. I need to quite playing around and "git-r-done."
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