Reality. The reality is that I MUST write everything down. I've had this incredible week, losing alot of that vacation weight. My new WW week starts today. Starting fresh. BUT if I want to get this off and reach my goal (and I'm so so so close), I need to write everything down. I need to keep saying no to the junk and gunk. Tomorrow is weigh in, and I know I will show a gain from my pre-vacation weigh in, but I've done great. I can do this. I can lose the rest and be in the condition I want to be in!
Pen meets paper, my fingers meet the keyboard to do my online tracking, and my Turbo Fire dvd shall meet the dvd player because I'm not failing. A candy bar is not worth it, a chicken strip is not worth it, a pair of size 10 pants is not worth it. I want better, and I want more. I want health, strength, energy, and pride in myself.
"Don't get tired doing what is good. Don't get discouraged and give up, for we will reap a harvest of blessing at the appropriate time." Galatians 6:9
God is great, He is everything. He is with me everyday. He has plans for me... and those plans are for me to be the best daughter I can be, inside and out. My body is a temple, and I must treat it with respect and honor myself.
This post is like a mantra! I love it! Turbo Fire is in my near future and I can't wait...look forward to seeing your progress!