Why am I so proud? I have gone from slug to jitterbug. Sorry, couldn't resist the opportunity to rhyme, but basically this is true. I stopped working out once school started this past fall, and over Christmas break I decided it was definitely time to start moving again. I miss the toned look, the feeling of strength, being in control, and the energy that came with being in shape (and not the round shape...that shape is not so fun).
This past week I worked out all but one day, and 4 of those workouts were at 6:45 before I had to go to work! I've been incorporating cardio, HIITs (high intensity interval training), abs, and general toning and sculpting. By Saturday morning I was sore from just about head to toe! But I knew the best thing was the keep working through it. That, and I longed for that euphoric "I'm tough, I'm strong" feeling! Once you really start experiencing that, working out becomes a treat rather than a chore!
Today I feel much stronger and am bursting with energy. Time for an oldie but goodie...a Turbo Jam cadio party and an ab workout! Join me! Kick some butt!