GOODNESS! It has been a long time since I have waltzed into this blog! I am trying desperately to get back into blogging. Heck, I really do like it. I just have 8,000 other things I like too, and in the end, something wins and something must lose. The blog just loses. Like every single.
So...I have been up to stuff. First of all, I am not with Beachbody, but I adore this company still. I had my reasons, but that is just something I would blog about and so I felt I shouldn't mention it. Also, I am back in school...grad school. Sometimes I am thinking, "Look at me! Grad school! Kicking butt!" Other times I just recognize that it is another sign of utter insanity. We can't all be normal, after all. I also LOVE the makeup world and have started a YouTube channel, so I will start incorporating that into this blog, I think. I really enjoy doing product reviews so I will adding those in from time to time.
The miraculous bikini body never happened. Sigh. Back on the road again. It will happen. Some day.
Anyway, that is just a quick update for you.